The Best Exercises for Back Pain Relief

Have you ever experienced a sudden jolt of pain and muscle spasms in the center of your lower back? You're not alone. The lower back has five vertebrae, which work harder than the neck and mid-back, even though they have fewer vertebrae. 

Lower back pain can creep in suddenly whether you're an active gym-goer, active hiker, or spend hours behind a desk. In this article, we'll acknowledge the prevalence of low back pain. We will also mention some lower back exercises that can work wonders—consider them your new daily micro-workouts

Let's get started.

Why is Lower Back Pain So Common?

While it often resolves on its own, lower back pain is your body's not-so-subtle way of telling you something’s wrong. Back pain isn't just a nuisance that only plagues older adults. About 40% of adults suffer from lower back pain thanks to certain risk factors.

Remember, no one knows your body better than you do. Still, you should always discuss pain or mobility issues with a healthcare professional. After any back problem, it's crucial to introduce movement to promote healing and strengthen your lower back.

While lower back pain exercises are critical to healing, finding out what caused the pain is more productive. And that's where visiting a doctor can help.

Common causes of lower back pain

Back pain is a common health concern that stems from various causes. One of the most frequent causes of lower back pain is injury to the group of muscles in the back. The damage happens from improper lifting, sudden movements, or chronic overuse. 

Other common causes include arthritis, which causes inflammation and joint pain. A herniated disc occurs when a disc in the spine ruptures and irritates nearby nerves. More severe conditions, like osteoporosis, lead to weak and brittle bones, often causing vertebral compression fractures. 

Sciatica, caused by irritation of the lower lumbar and lumbosacral spine roots, can also cause lower back pain. Some lifestyle factors can significantly impact your lower back pain, such as:

  • Body Weight: Excess weight puts more stress on your lower back.
  • Smoking: Smoking can impair blood flow and increase inflammation, leading to soft tissue damage and pain in the lower back.
  • Physical Activity Level: Too much physical activity can cause lower back pain. Consult your doctor to determine your ideal activity level.

Suppose you're experiencing persistent or severe lower back pain. In that case, seeking medical advice is essential, which could indicate a more serious condition. Now, let's focus on a few exercises that can help strengthen and relieve lower back pain.

Lower Back Exercises

The best way to manage lower back pain often involves a combination of exercises and health and wellness tips. Exercises for lower back pain, particularly activities that strengthen the core, can reduce the risk of strains and sprains. Strong core muscles work to improve posture and reduce stress on the back.

Pelvic Tilts

Pelvic tilts are an exercise that can alleviate lower back pain. The exercises can stretch and strengthen your abdominal muscles, which are crucial in supporting your lower back. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and tighten your stomach muscles to press your lower back against the floor.

Performing pelvic tilts can help manage lower back pain and prevent future occurrences. These exercises promote correct alignment of the lumbar spine in patients who sit with their pelvis tipped forward. Moreover, they counteract the adverse effects of prolonged sitting or wearing high heels.

Pelvic tilts stretch tight lower back muscles to reduce pain and build core strength for daily tasks like lifting and squatting. If you don't feel relief with this exercise, try these modifications for better results.


Prone bridges are a common exercise that manages lower back pain. The activity involves lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Raise your hips off the ground, making a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. 

This works your core and glute muscles. Regularly performing bridges can strengthen your lower back, glutes, and abdominal muscles, all of which support your spine. Bridges can also help increase flexibility and stability in your lower back, reducing pain. 

However, like any exercise, performing bridges correctly is essential to reap their benefits and avoid potential injury.

Knee Hugs

Single and double knee hugs are simple yet effective exercises for managing lower back pain. To do a knee hug, lie on your back with bent knees and feet flat on the floor. Then, bring one knee to your chest while keeping the other flat.

You start in the same position for a double knee-to-chest stretch, but bring both knees to your chest instead. You can do these exercises daily to ease lower back pain significantly. By bringing your knees to your chest, you're stretching your lower back muscles and relieving the tension. 

These exercises can also increase your lower back's flexibility and improve its range of motion. Furthermore, knee hugs can help strengthen your abdominal and hip muscles and prevent future occurrences of lower back pain.

Knee Rolls

Knee rolls are another beneficial exercise for low back pain. Start this exercise by lying on your back with your knees bent together. Roll your knees and pelvis to one side while keeping your shoulders on the floor. Keep your upper body relaxed and tuck your chin in slightly.

After holding the stretch for one deep breath, you return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side. The knee roll exercise can help relieve tension in your lower back and hips, reducing lower back pain. Knee rolls are a form of spinal rotation that improves the flexibility and mobility of your spine.

In addition, they strengthen the core and lower back muscles to prevent future occurrences of lower back pain. If one direction causes pain, try rolling your knees in the other direction or consult a healthcare professional.

Yoga Poses

Yoga, in particular, offers a host of poses that are beneficial for managing low back pain. Some of these include:

  • Cat-Cow Pose: This gentle flow between two poses helps stretch the body and bring flexibility to the spine. It also helps massage and stimulate the kidneys and adrenal glands, promoting overall health.
  • Child's Pose: It's a restful pose that helps to stretch the hips, thighs, and ankles while reducing stress and fatigue.
  • Half Cobra Pose: This pose strengthens the spine, stretches the chest, lungs, and shoulders, and firms the buttocks. It also helps relieve stress and fatigue and is therapeutic for asthma.

Remember, you should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen. But with their approval, these yoga poses are a great addition to your routine to manage low back pain.

Bird Dogs

The bird-dog exercise is a bodyweight workout that strengthens your core, glutes, and the muscles next to your spine. It's particularly beneficial for protecting your spine and enhancing posture, stability, and balance. Start on your hands and knees. 

Stretch one arm forward and stretch the other leg backward. You then draw them back in under your body and switch to the other arm and leg. There are several variations of bird-dog exercise if this variation doesn't offer relief. 

The Stability Ball Bird Dog adds extra difficulty by including a stability ball, thereby increasing the demand on your core muscles. The Resistance Band Bird Dog uses a resistance band to make the exercise engage more muscle groups. This exercise combines a bird-dog and a single-arm row. It provides extra strength training for your back, arms, abs, and buttocks. 

If any exercises cause pain, discontinue them immediately and talk with your provider.

Lateral Leg Raises

Lateral leg raises are a fantastic exercise for strengthening your lower back and relieving pain. This exercise works the hip abductor muscles, which help move the leg away from the body while standing or walking. With lateral leg raises, you're actively strengthening these muscles to combat instability.

The basic lateral leg raise involves:

  • Lying on one side.
  • Keep your lower leg slightly bent on the ground.
  • Engage your core.
  • You lift your upper leg as high as possible while keeping it straight before slowly lowering it back down. 

Variations to this exercise can add an extra challenge and further benefits. Exercising while standing can also help prevent injury and pain in the hips, knees, and lower back. Another variation, single leg lifts, targets the lower abdominal muscles, aiding overall core strength and stability.

Wall Sits

Wall sits are an effective exercise for managing lower back pain, too, as they target the entire lower body. This exercise functions like a squat without the added strain, making it an excellent choice for a back rehabilitation program. Start pressing your back gently against a smooth wall surface to perform a wall sit.

Gradually slide down until your knees are slightly bent, hold the position, then push yourself back up. There are several variations of the wall sit that can add additional benefits. Adding a resistance band during the exercise engages the hip abductor muscles and stabilizes the pelvis.

Another variation is the single-leg wall sit, which increases the intensity of the activity and improves balance and strength. A study in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science suggests that wall sits are safer than squats and avoid back strain.

More Ways to Relieve Low Back Pain

While these lower back exercises can significantly help alleviate discomfort, they aren't a cure-all. Remember, consistent lower back pain may suggest a deeper issue. These exercises can help but do not replace professional medical advice. 

Consider these additional relief measures for lower back pain:

Attention to poor posture and movement while working

Ergonomics play a key role in maintaining a healthy back. Maintaining a neutral pelvic position is crucial whether you're standing or sitting. Be conscious of your posture throughout the day, and consider looking into ergonomic furniture, like standing desks, that supports good posture.

Diet and supplements

Certain foods and supplements can reduce inflammation, a common cause of lower back pain. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like fish or flaxseed, and spices like turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties. Consider adding these foods to your diet or taking supplements if you struggle with inflammation-related pain.

Eating more protein or taking protein supplements promotes muscle growth and strength, helping support your back muscles.

Getting a good night's sleep

Sleep vastly impacts our overall health, and a lack of it can increase pain sensitivity in people with chronic pain. Make sure you're getting adequate rest by practicing good sleep hygiene and keeping a regular sleep schedule. If you're having trouble sleeping, try taking melatonin, an over-the-counter supplement, to help regulate sleep cycles.

Hot-Cold therapy

For acute pain, hot-cold therapy can help. Heat can stimulate blood flow and inhibit pain messages sent to the brain. Cold therapy reduces inflammation, acting like a local anesthetic. 

Consider using a heating pad and ice pack or alternating between the two for relief. Remember, before starting any exercise program, consult with a doctor or physical therapist about what exercises are safe. Together, you can create a personalized plan that addresses your specific needs.

Final Thoughts

Exercise is important for relieving and preventing lower back pain. It may not be the first thing you think of, but it is crucial. Persistent back pain is a signal that there is an underlying issue. 

In addition, adopting a proper diet, regular physical activity, adequate hydration, and strategic supplementation supports your journey to better health. Remember, good health is a combination of many factors, and we must pay attention to all of them for optimal results. If you're interested in learning more, we invite you to explore the wealth of information on Reflect

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